Sunday, December 16, 2012

{cute cheap gift wrap}

So I  bought this huge roll of this thin cardboard paper {don't remember the name of it} at Home Depot before last Christmas.  I still have more than 3/4 left after wrapping presents last year, painting the kitchen cabinets {post on that soon} and wrapping presents THIS year! It has lasted forever.

I think it's by the paint stuff at Home Depot for like $10.  WAAAY cheaper than that fancy wrapping paper junk :). Not as pretty of course though.  Until you add my little touches.  I thought I would do a post on this primarily because I haven't been blogging lately.  Two months to be precise.... And of course we have completely redone our dated kitchen which if you follow me on Instagram, you already know.  Also I would like to add if anyone wants the accessories from our old kitchen they're cute & headed to Goodwill soon!

I had been wanting our cabinets lighter and brighter for a while was the main reason we redid our kitchen.  Our living room is pretty dark and cozy and the kitchen had the potential to brighten things up a bit.  Mama made it happen.  Then of course one thing leads to another.  Enter new pulls, hinges, dishwasher being delivered after Christmas, new rugs that have yet to be picked out, a new window treatment and a new sink and faucet. I don't think I'm going to do a post about it until it is totally complete, but of course if you would like to see the progress I am always posting on Instagram {slightly obsessed} Here's a sneak peek of the new window treatment {cough*tablecloths*cough} Stay tuned for the full post on that...

Anyway here are my cutely wrapped presents just waiting to be opened by loved ones in a few short days.  Enjoy:

I used this Pom Pom Maker I found at JoAnn - it makes pom pom making fun and super easy.  I did it while Landon sat in my lap and talked to me :)

In progress

I didn't use the greatest yarn for the gray - I found I like the white yarn better for the pom poms

In progress

This is how it comes out! All you do is wrap the yarn & cut around the outside, tie a little tie & bam! Too cute!

For the dots - I had to improvise...I put a little thing you put under furniture with a sticky thing on the back, stuck on the top of a marker, and used the ink from our address stamps from the Christmas cards we just sent out to do this by hand.  A little hand-made Christmas.

This is not even 1/2 of all the presents I need to wrap but this is all I could get out tonight! Wrapping is hard work!

Pretty - it makes me want to curl up and snuggle with my family.  Oh wait, we do that!

I'm thinking about making a pom pom garland, maybe for Valentine's Day with pink & red.  I'm not too big on that holiday, but that would be just enough sweetness for me. 

This was a pic I posted on Facebook a while back.  I'm loving the decorations this year!

And of course, as you know, a post is not a post without my sweet boy to close it out!

Talk talk talk....

This occurs daily... 


Meeting Santa Claus

Watching mama put on her makeup - Those EYES!
That boy is changing every day looks-wise, and I get people all the time that say.  He's so pretty he could be a that a compliment? He's also learning so much all the time.  It's so funny to watch his little mind work.  The other day I walked in and he was lying face down in his crib.  My first thought was to move his head to the side!! Obviously!! And when I walked over it's like he knew I was there and was trying to play a joke on me, because he started laughing hysterically. It made me laugh so hard.  We love him!

That's all for now :)