Currently, we are living with my mom while our house is being built so she is the only one so far that hasn't been brought down by "the bug". I pray she doesn't get it, but I'm saving her a couple of Zofrans just in case... #AwesomeDaughter
Anyway, we had a wonderful, beautiful Easter weekend! I think Landon is beginning to enjoy these holidays. I use the word beginning very lightly. That's not to say we didn't have our fair share of Easter egg stealing out of his cousins baskets, or meltdowns over cars, but we're getting there, people!
On Friday he got a festive Easter bath! He loved the "ees" {eggs} as he calls them!
Saturday we got together with Mike's side for a BBQ and some Easter egg coloring. Landon has 13 cousins on this side, so needless to say there is never a dull moment.
Sunday started out slowly. I like it that way. I do not like rushing around. We woke up and gave Landon his Easter basket from the Easter bunny. He immediately wanted the bubbles {that little carrot is bubbles} and the peeps. In true festive fashion, he makes his mama proud.
I filled the majority of the eggs with these. Obsessed. He's lucky the Easter bunny didn't eat them all before they made it into the eggs...
We attended Easter mass at 11 that morning with my in-laws and snapped some pics outside of the kiddos that were still there.
After church we went over to my in-laws new house. Their house is beautiful and on a golf course and has the perfect back yard for a get-together, minus Landon screaming at the top of his lungs when a golfer was teeing off. We'll just pretend that didn't happen.
A ride on "pawpaws coo car" {cool car}
Then, we headed over to my aunts house
for another Easter egg hunt and more yummy food! My aunt Toni does a great job with holidays!
We'll end the Easter post with the most precious picture. I already have the perfect frame for it for above our bed in the new house. I love my sweet Landon kisses more than anything...