We have been in such the Christmas spirit lately! Christmas music, movies and books and spruce scented candles abound when you are near me around the holidays. Here are some signs that we are in the Christmas spirit:
My son is also loving this time of year as evidenced by all the festive books he checked out from the library....
That he carries his Rudolph stuffed animal around like it's his BFF.
And the fact that he woke up saying "Mommy, I want my Santa Clause jammies on!!!" You got it, buddy! He wanted the hat/beard combo and all!
I literally went through and recorded every single Christmas movie I could find yesterday on our DVR! Prancer, Frosty the Snowman, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas {Landon is obsessed with the short cartoon version but I want him to see the long movie too!}, A Christmas Carol, Elf {which kicks off the 25 Days ofChristmas on ABC & starts tonight!!} the list goes on and on.....
Our elf, Clark, has officially made his debut this year, due to Landon's recent behavior ;) Every morning when he is somewhere different, Landon screams "MY ELF! MY ELF!!!" once he spots him. Here's where is showed up this morning.
Annnnd red cups are back. I had to have a Peppermint Mocha when I went out to my dads to celebrate his birthday a couple weeks ago! You know we're in the BEST season when the red cups make their appearance! Have you tried their Chestnut Praline Latte? Yumm....
These festive glasses came from the dollar spot at Target! It never disappoints! These were what Landon picked from there! Great choice!
I saw a DIY advent calendar on Pinterest & was so excited to already have the materials for it. Mine is a little different and fun with the red & washi tape.
I normally buy a chocolate filled one at World Market but this year I want to do a sort of bucket list advent calendar and on the last day, give the kiddos their matching Christmas jammies & start that as a tradition.
I can't wait to complete some of the crafty fun stuff on the calandar! I will save the really fun stuff for when my husband can be there :) here's some activities on our list. I haven't put them in because let's be honest, I don't want to be surprised at what we're doing that day. Landon will never know...
We officially have the Christmas songs on repeat in the car. Along with baby lullabies because our daughter HATES the car and her car seat. Sweet.
Here's a couple pics that I've snapped as of late of the little turkeys just doing their thing.
My pretty pretty princess
In other news, my Etsy shop should be opening soon. I am just trying to finish some more items for the grand opening and tie up some loose ends as far as thepackaging goes. Here is a sneak peek of the items that will be available! All hand made by me!!! I am also really excited about it and custom orders that may come! I love being creative in my free time. If that's what you want to call it....
I will be sure to post the link when it finally opens! And expect a Christmas Home Tour collaboration with some other bloggers in the near future ;)