Saturday, February 19, 2011

Projects, Projects, Projects

My mind is so full of decorating ideas!! I am going to list all of them here that I would like to complete by the end of this month summer. I just can not wait. These three, or, um four things (who am I kidding there will be way more than 3-4) will improve the overall look of our home SO MUCH!!

First things first:

1. I want to paint our U.G.L.Y ORANGE kitchen cabinets. I want to thank Centsational Girl for sharing with me this new product! What a wonderful idea! No sanding, I'm down!
I'm absolutely swooning over the all white kitchen look but I'll be honest/sad and say that it doesn't go with our's a little too cottagy (surely that's a word...if not it should be) for our taste and decor. Plus, Mr. HubbyMan has made it clear that while he does support my design decisions, he WILL NOT stand by me on this one. He likes the color black, not white. I'm thinking a compromise is in order bottom cabinets black/top cabinets white!! A la this picture..
I can't remember where I stole it from but the layout is identical to our kitchen. (Sorry blogger out there with faboulous taste!! If you ever come to my blog let me know if this is your kitchen and I'll put your name under it!!) What do you think?
I'm thinking all dark cabinets will make our kitchen too dark. Which sort of leads into my next project....I sure hope Mr. HubbyMan is not reading this....Hi, Mike! Think happy thoughts!

2. I want to paint our kitchen. It's RED. I'll be honest it's really not bad. But "not bad" is not good enough for me. It's a brick sort of red but I got to thinking if we paint the cabinets black and white I want something beigey-gray on the wall I'm thinking BM Camouflague or Bennington Gray (leaning towards Bennington Gray). I guess mama knows what she likes!

So that'll be another project! Getting excited yet?!?!?!?! I AM!

3. Look away Mike, it's for the best...I want to paint ALL of the molding in our cute little house from that oak that i love soooo much to white! I love the look of white molding against all paint but the oak is so dated. I've lived with it long enough and I've had ENOUGH of it!!
4. The 4th project will be wainscoting in the guest bedroom. Mikey and I just love, love, LOVE the look of it! Eventually the guest bedroom will become a nursery for the baby that's not even a twinkle in our eyes yet, and I know I want wainscoting in the nursery. NO, I. AM. NOT. preggers but I am thinkin' ahead. I don't want to be doing all this crap fun stuff when I'm pregnant (athankyou) I know, I know. Just say it. "She is so smart"...and keep those sweet comments coming. I like this picture frame look better than beadboard and the thicker bordered wainscoting.

5. I have my heart set on beautiful chandeliers at the moment too...My goal is to find 2 of them. One for the guest bedroom and one for the kitchen. The kicker is I want to find them CHEAP! I mean really cheap. That's the thrill of it. I love doing things all by myself. I don't like to make it easy and just buy everything ready to go. Nope, I like to make it as difficult as possible. :) But, I digress...

I want to find one cheap that looks a little like this beaut ...

And turn it into something like this beaut...

Possible? I think so. I have some time but I'm ready to get things rolling! NIGHTY NIGHT


  1. i love love love it, keep up the good work
    xxoo mom (im your biggest fan)

  2. LOVE this blog! So glad you decided to share your thoughts, you're so talented. (And I'm glad I live in Maryland so I can steal some of your ideas, of course I'll give you all the credit! :) )
