Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Before & After and Update!

Hello Mates!  I completed one project and am progressing quickly on the other two! I am completely finished with my chest (I hate to say that can't we call it something else?) project!!  Remember the little oak (?) chest that my sweet little mother-in-law wanted to give away?  I was seeing all sorts of projects when I met eyes with this beautiful piece of furniture!  I was visualizing it as a little bench behind our front door.  Like a mini-mudroom feel. I would get some pillows and a mirror to go above it and maybe some wall sconces, a la this picture...

I know, I know! Bad quality. I guess that's what you get for taking a picture of a computer image on your iPhone. You'd think I would have learned by now..

I am still looking for a bench like this. There is one at (MY FAVORITE STORE) HobLob that I like but don't love. And my motto is if you don't LOVE it don't buy it! There is way too much junk out there.  You will definitely be able to find what your looking for with some time and patience (the latter I struggle with daily...).

I then came up with the brilliant idea to put in in our room.  What a great decision it was! On to the before and after.




It is the perfect size to hold our heated blanket during the warm months.  So, so, so much better.  The significance of the numbers you may ask? First off, the little n. stands for number (I love the number trend) and to be honest I wasn't going to do this but with all the numbers that are everywhere (Pottery Barn, Ballard) I thought I would do something CrAzY today!! The numbers 51510 are our wedding date (May 15, 2010 Romantic I know). 

There is a funny story behind this...When I texted Mike the picture of the finished project (he is at work, I'm off today) he texted back " It looks good but why 51510?" .............Pregnant Pause............. ummmmm HULLO?? Hi, I'm Earth, have we met? (Name the movie and you get a cookie) 
I sent him a text back with a bunch of periods my favorite overused punctuation ".....our wedding date...." I better be getting a really nice dinner soon, or maybe some jewelry, or we could just go to Home Depot and make a day of it. As long as it doesn't involve a time of the year that begins with "M" and ends with "arch Madness".  Oh, I despise it!! But I think I'll be OK if KU takes everyone down! I digress...

I L.O.V.E the result. 'Nuff said!

I also am progressing on the pretty gold chande that I snagged for $3. Take a look at it's fancy new coat of Heirloom White. Of course, I had to prime, then sand, then prime and tape off the copper wires. Beauty is pain people, beauty is pain.  I think she's looking like a breath of fresh air, which is convenient because it is starting to feel just like spring outside. 

Edited To Add: I am NOT hanging this chandelier outside.  My mother-in-law texted me and said "I'm looking at you blog and I'm confused about the chandelier".  I didn't clarify in this post, so for everyone thinking I hang chandes on trees, I don't. This chande is going in our shabby chic guest bedroom.  We had an ugly gold dome light in there before that met it's new mommy named Goodwill today, and I think this chandelier will be the perfect addition to that room.

Oh, How I love the look of chandeliers hanging from trees, especially at night.  If only all of my trees could have chandes hanging from them. I would be the neighborhood weirdo...

On another note, we now have all of the wood for our upcoming wainscoting project! So exciting, this project is going to cost us a total of about $70! Can you believe it?!  Well, that is considering that there are no major problems, which is highly anticipated!

Mike and I both took off Thursday, lets see what kind of shenanigans we can get ourselves in to.  Actually, we both decided we are finally going to  r   e   l   a   x  on Thursday.  It's supposed to be 74 degrees and we are going to enjoy the beautiful weather!  For now I'm going to go get some Starbucks Starmoney and enjoy this day after all my hard work! YEAH!

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