Monday, March 21, 2011

{Wainscoting Adventures: Day Uno}


Well today, Monday March, 21st, 2011 began the first day of our WONDERFUL WAINSCOTING ADVENTURE!! How very exciting (if not for you, definitely for me).  I was off work today and it was positively balmy today.  We opened the windows last night, and it made for some amazing sleeping time! It rained and we had a mini-thunderstorm last night.  I LOVE that type of sleeping weather! I was so excited to wake up and get the project rolling. 

All the tape was up!

The two wonder workers!  Don't they make a cute couple?  I will always use this white for trim...It works well, covers well and is my favorite brand! Behr! Oh and Kilz (Primer: what a name right?), is amazing too! If you haven't tried it you must!

During/After priming

The door color doesn't totally match the Ultra Pure White, but until it starts to bug me I'm just going forget about it :)

I got all of this done before my hubby came home for work (a.k.a. worps as Mr. Le Inspired Nest and I call it. It's kind of an inside joke, maybe another day I'll explain) if you can BELIEVE that!  I also ran to CVS, the Home Depot (ran out of paint), got some stamps, and had nice lunch outside!  I started at about 9:30-10...That's pretty good! On my little lunch break I checked the mailbox and we finally got our picture from Shutterfly.  It had to be special ordered because of the size.  I love this picture of our wedding day.  And the PB shelf I got at a bridal shower we FINALLY put up (almost a year later...can you say s.l.a.c.k.e.r.s?) The M&K I also bought around our wedding and they were not cute a.k.a. golllllldddd, same goes for the pedestal candle holder.  I spray painted both items, the letters Canyon Black and the candle holder my old standby Heirloom White! I love everything about this shelf! Pictures don't even do it justice, it's really a sturdy long shelf and takes up most of the wall it's on.

Wainscoting Adventures Day Dos:  I'm sure everyone is just chomping at the bit to see the finished project.  It will *fingers-crossed* be done tomorrow.  We will still have to paint around the doors, but I will post pictures of an update if we don't finish it! Mr. Le Inspired Nest has a dentist appointment tomorrow  then we're going to breakfast, then we're ON IT!! He even said to me last night "I really like to use the miter saw, it's fun!" You better like it, and you better like it a lot, Mr. Man, because you're going to be doing it for 4 hours tomorrow.....Shhhh, he doesn't normally read this blog, don't tell him the good news! We wouldn't want to ruin the surprise now would we?  We'll see if after tomorrow he likes it...

Adios Amigos!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kailey, thanks for the comment. Here is the link to my curtains. They are painted with leftover wall paint!

    Thanks again, it's nice to "meet" you!!!!
