Friday, April 29, 2011

{The Royal Wedding}

What an absolutely gorgeous day!  I keep swooning at the photos! I recorded 5 hours worth of coverage from this morning.  I really wanted to see it live, but it did have the same effect watching it only a few hours later....and I was in a better mood because I got to sleep in.  How BREATHTAKING was Kate?  I am absolutely obsessed with her dress.  Perfect choice.  Understated elegance.  I loved everything about this wedding *sigh* to be a royal...

Such a beautiful day and congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge!  Tomorrow will be so fun as my girlfriends and I celebrate a soon-to-be bride.  We are taking a train in the morning to Hermann, Missouri and going to various wineries.  It should be a wonderful time, will post a few pictures in the next blog possibly.  Don't worry there will be some decorating stuff mixed in too ;-)


Monday, April 25, 2011

{DIY Sunburst mirror}

I hope Easter found you all celebrating with your loved ones and eating tails off of chocolate bunnies.  We had a WONDERFUL Easter! It started out with an informal dinner at my in-laws house Saturday night and dying Easter eggs for all the nieces and nephews!  Easter Sunday began with mass at 11, lunch at 1 and then we invited my side over and Mike's dad and brother at about 5. The first time we've hosted a holiday at our house.  It was fun!  We talked about having a big deck party soon! How exciting!

I decided to create a sunburst mirror this weekend.  Very randomly.  I have seen them all over and knew we could use one in just about every room in our house.  I mean, one would work in literally every single room.  We think it turned out amazing! The perfect addition to our new entryway sitting area! Oh la la!

This is the finished product up on the wall, but let me take you through the steps.  E.A.S.Y.-P.E.A.S.Y...For realz.  It took me about 45 minutes while all these people were out working on the deck.  Side note: Look how much they've done!
I know it's not a great pic, but it's the only one I took.  It's coming right along.
 Back to the task at hand!  For this project, I started with a mirror ($2.99 or $3.99 at Michael's, can't remember).  I think it was about a 7" round mirror.  Tiny.

Oh, yes.  Before During the project, I was eating potato chips.  I forgot to mention that....I guess that would explain the greasy smudges on the front and the back of the mirror.

I started gluing the skewers on.  Yes, I said skewers...Like little wooden sticks you put chicken and bell peppers on.  I used all of them in the house.  Two different sizes.  Mr. Hubby will have a rude awakening the next time he wants to grill...

The hot gluing begins.
...and continues...
...and ends.  I did differing lengths by just gluing the skewers in closer to the center.

I then taped off the mirror side, and began spray painting away.  I went with silver because my hubs doesn't like anything gold, but I have seen some really cool gold versions too!

Oh yes, The final set-up! I finally got this awesome bench on Saturday, thanks to the help of my bestie, Court! She helped me pick it out at River Market Antiques (have I mentioned I love that place).  $25 and it's that chippy look I love and still very firm.  It fits perfectly in this nook.  I cant stop looking at the new set-up, and I love the way we used a piece of wall space that wouldn't normally have been used.  I'm thinking of putting some baskets to store mail or whatever underneath it.  Total cost of project: $2.99 or $3.99 (cost of mirror).  I already had the skewers and the spray paint.

Thanks for tuning in! Until next time!

Linking up HERE:

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

and here


Saturday, April 23, 2011

{Corkboard Jewelry Organizer}

I found pictures of this project from OCTOBER {I know this because there was a picture of my pumpkins right before and one of the Red Barn Farm right after these ones} in my phone this morning and thought I would share.  It was such an easy project and one that I think many many girly-girls like myself, would appreciate.  P.S. The only way this project works is if you have separate closets, and we do!  I figured I would give mine some sass.

I began with a $ .50 cork board from some thrift store I stepped into.  I didn't find any other treasures on this particular trip, except for a pretty beat up looking cork board.

I have SOOOOO much jewelry, it's a little ridiculous...and I like to be able to see it all when picking out an outfit.  Yes, some people hang jewelry from their walls, or have a jewelry box.  I decided I would cover said cork board with a pretty little fabric, put some pretty little hooks on it and hang all my pretty little jewels!

I glued all the edges with my handy dandy glue gun.  She's about on her final leg as we speak.  She's beggin' me for mercy. Then added the little white hooks, I believe they're from Tar-jay. 

I made them even all the way across.  Luckily it was a geometric pattern which made it easy to get the hooks even.  Then you can hang all the gobs of jewelry that you never get to see because it's hidden away in a jewelry box!  I hung earrings, bracelets, and obviously necklaces.  And now I'm even putting my headbands along the top!  It's leaning up against the wall in my closet on top of a small dresser in there.  This makes me smile when I swing open my closet door in the morning! You should try it.

More projects in the works but I don't want to bombard anyone!

Linking up HERE:

My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia

and here


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

{How Perfect}

Now, how perfect is this for the DIYers out there and really anyone? I LOVE this!  A quick post but I just had to share!

Monday, April 18, 2011

{Decked Out}

Well, not yet! I. CAN. NOT. WAIT. until this deck is complete.  It's going to be AMAZING!  The building happened last weekend, it will continue this coming Saturday and possibly into the next weekend.  We thought we'd be nice and give him Easter off.  Just kidding, he told us he wouldn't be working on Easter.  I didn't expect him to, there's way to much candy to eat on that holiday for anyone to be spending it building a deck.  Here are some pictures of the progress:

This is the cute little before.  Pardon the terrible weeds and random branches.  We didn't keep up our yard/landscaping very well during the fall and winter.

This was the 1st day.  We added on to our existing deck for now.  The last part he will tear off is the existing deck to match the rest of the wood and wood posts.
You can see in the picture below how small the old deck was compared to the new deck {the lighter wood obvi}  SO MUCH BIGGER! We will have 2 levels and the bottom step. 
End of Day Two. Progress! My favorite word!

This deck is going to be HUGE! Yess!

We are constantly entertaining over here.  We always hang out on the deck with people crammed into every corner of that 8x10 space.  Now we can   s p r e a d    o u t   quite a bit.  So, here's what I have envisioned for the deck.  First, we (and by we I mean Mike) will be staining/painting the deck.  We really can't decide.  He wants to paint and I want to stain. So opinionated....him not me...moving on. 

After that bridge has been crossed, we will concentrate on some sa-weet patio furniture.

Before our builder was even finished with the first day, this girl {me} was checking out some patio furniture.  I got very excited looking at all the selection that is out there! I first went to NFM online.  They are pretty proud... $800 for a basic bistro {which is a mini table and 2 chairs}!! And that was the cheapest one I found that I liked.  Pssshhht.  A flippin' bistro for $800?!Who do I need to talk to about this?  {that's what I say to Mike when I don't agree with something. Ex. When he said football's season would be longer, I said "Who do I need to talk to about this?" His answer, "the commissioner".  You get the idea}

 We have never bought outdoor patio furniture before.  We got some hand-me-downs that are still in pretty good shape from before we were married.  We could just still use those, but we are looking for something more substantial that will fill some major space *because we have some now tehehe* 

This is what 'they' call a 'conversation set'.  Whatever they call it I want one.  We were talking about getting a set like this.  I love the detail in the back of the chairs/love seat.  I wish I could show you a zoomed in picture.  The reviews on this set said that the color looks way more sage than lime green as the picture shows.  To be honest, I would be fine with either.  I love the set THAT much.  {Sage is more appealing to me though}

I'm thinking this set on the lower tier of the deck...with a fire pit!

This is the matching dining set.  How much do you love it!!?!? I need this set bad! I'm definitely thinking a 7-piecer.  Yeah, I just said piecer...and spell-check just corrected me on it.  This table would go on the upper tier along with the grill.

Well, there's all of my exciting news on the deck situation! How fun was that?

In other news:

My lavender sprouted up about a week ago and now has little tiny leaves on it!!


Stay tuned to see what I do with this wood.  My Uncle Ed tore down an old farm on his property in Liberty and saved lots of barn wood for my mom and I! Cool right? I have something in mind, but we'll see.  I need to think about how I will do it...

Look at that patina!
My sweet hubs and I are SO looking forward to spending this weekend together and with all our family, going to church and just spending time together.  Saturday, we're going to my favorite antique store {River Market Antiques} to search for a bench.  My mom and brother said they saw some there this past weekend, and since I heard that I've been itching to go!

The next weekend, we have a bachelorette/bachelor party.  One of our favorite couples!  Girls are going to Hermann, Missouri on a train to hit up the wineries and guys are going golfing and relaxing at Lake of the Ozarks.  It will be so fun!  We will see how many of our upcoming projects can be completed before then.  I'm guessing not many.

Until next time!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

{Best Day}

I had the best day with you today...

We woke up early and you made some omelets for our growling stomachs.  We talked about how the day seems a little longer the earlier you wake up.  (Weird, huh?)

We planted some flowers into the earth.  Including but not limited to:

these gorgeous tulips,

a few hostas...

We put the new screens on the windows.  You mowed, I edged.  You seeded, I planted some more.   

We took a nice walk to the fruit and vegatable stand near our house, with some cash in hand.  We came home with a bunch of goodies....

We were so excited to dig in!

quite possibly the best strawberries ever.
 We munched and chatted while we chopped it all up. 

The conversation continued outside while you grilled and I snuggled under my blanket...

We drank some Red Stripes because it always reminds us of our honeymoon.  We smiled a lot and talked for hours...

I love you and I had the best day with you today :-)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

{Spring has Sprung}

Happy Spring, Friends!

I know they're weeds.  But they are pretty to me, so I picked some and brought them in!

So, I wish that this blog had a scratch n' sniff right now.  My house smells like a never ending field of fresh flowers.  Delicious!! Has anyone ever tried Aromatique's house fragrances? They have potpourri, candles, room spray and diffusers galore! I love it and smell it all day long at work! The one I'm in L.O.V.E. with for Spring is called 'The Smell of Spring'....can't forget that...right?  I already had a Woodwick diffuser container that is really nice and didn't want to clutter up the home with another bottle.  I simply rinsed the Biscotti scent out and put the Smell of Spring scent in, with some new reeds! It's heaven, people!  It doesn't smell like an artificial flower scent either, not too sweet, just so FRESH!

Here is a picture of the bottle in case anyone is interested in purchasing.  I think it was around $12 or so.  BEWARE: You will become ADDICTED to this scent and may feel the need to buy in bulk.

Mr. Hubby and I have just been doing some major spring cleaning.  The nice weather, attic fan and open windows really motivates us to organize and clean.  The two cups of coffee this morning I'm sure played no part in my speed cleaning.  I get so much accomplished when I'm all hopped up on coffee, seriously.  We haven't done much project-wise in the past week.  Just spray painting the plantation shutters for the guest bedroom and we will need to do so for the office soon because they are both very visible in the front of our house and won't match each other.  Can you kind of begin to see how one project leads to another?

Here is some Spring cleaning that happened in this household.  We got down on some clutter! YEE HAW!

First up was the linen closet in the hallway. Hot. Mess.  This closet may or may not have been cleaned since I moved in after we got married.  It goes without saying that Mike has never cleaned it. I spray painted the three wooden shelves, in an effort to remove all this oak looking stuff! Good golly, it's hiding in places that we didn't even know it existed.  Partially because of all the junk on the shelves.

This is my nightmare...

What is behind this door?! It's clean and neat again!

It seems like whenever we need cold medicine all we have is Tylenol.  We can never find anything, that or it's been expired for two years.  Also, when I try to grab some medicine in the back I end up knocking over every other medicine on the shelf and normally don't pick it up ever so it just stays on the floor. Nice, huh? Would you want to live with me? I came up with a tactic:

Wait are those really tags? What in the world is she going to create with Target basket tags?

I cut the tags in half and spray painted them with chalkboard paint.  I then used my new chalk pen to write all the categories out.  We decided on 6 categories:  First Aid, Colds, Allergy, Aches, Kailey's and Other.  Yep, that pretty much covers all bases I think. 

How precious...and organized.

Who says you can't have greenery in your linen closet? It looks so pretty. 

...and then there are the little beach towels.  Who's ready for summer?? That beige striped one is awesome (it is folded over to slip right over your chair at the beach/pool) and huge!! A Christmas present from my mother-in-law, in a monogrammed beach bag of course!
Here's the boring upper shelf for all you Curious Georges!

the whole organized closet! WOOHOO!
We buy a few things in bulk at Sam's: Q-tips, toothpaste, soap, toilet paper and paper towels.  We never like to run out of any of these.  Can you blame us?  So we have started storing the extras in here in the linen closet.  It's worked out quite nicely :-)

Next up the coat closet.  Oh, major. hot. mess...This closet needs some TLC...BAD.  When I'm finished with one of my decorations, guess where I store it?  Yup, in the bottom of this closet. Does that make any sense? I think I just put it all there because I'm scared of going down to the sub-basement.  It's all cold and creepy and there was a spider down there at one time.  I don't like it.  Not my cup of tea.  The pictures for this one won't be as fun, so I probably won't post them unless you want to see a bunch of coats...

I also was able to finish the little 'His' and 'Hers' knobs.  They're pretty cute.  Not my favorite project.  They were kind of a pain to paint... Especially "His". Go figure right? I used a wooden skewer to paint the letters.  Random, I know.  I had to work with what I had.

I haven't sanded 'his' yet, but they look really cute!
That's all folks!