Friday, December 2, 2011

{Christmas Time is Here}

Can you believe that it's almost Christmas?? I am so very excited and as most people, just LOVE this time of year.  Mainly because it's a time to look back at the wonderful year that's passed with family and great friends and look forward to the next year and what all it has in store for us! I have decorated for Christmas, this is the holiday that I do the most decorating for.  I have put the garland on the stairs but have not put the lights on it yet :(. Also, hubby has not put the outside lights up yet.  That's in the plan this weekend.  We will see...we both have this nasty head cold.  It's no fun! I gave it to him, my mom and my friend at work.  You're welcome! Anyway, here are some little pictures of the decorations so far. As you can tell the tree & mantle are the most decked! LOVE OUR HOME! (Please excuse my iPhone's just so darn convenient!)

Pretty Tree


Our little Bear's stocking. 

My newest Christmas little Pottery Barn Christmas tree found it's home on my PB tray: a gift from my bridal shower.

I just love this red stuff

Spray Painted pine cone tree from last year

A daylight picture....just as cozy as night!
I hope you enjoyed looking at our home this Christmas, and can have a little fun decorating yours! 


  1. Such lovely Christmas decor. I like your burlap garland but I think the wreath is my favorite.
