Sunday, January 15, 2012

{15 weeks}

Only 5 more weeks until we find out what Baby Bozarth is and get to see him/her again.  I hope this baby will cooperate because we are anxious to find out!

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 1.5-2 lbs.? Not sure.  My scale is so weird.
Maternity clothes? I wear what's comfortable. Thank goodness for a jean month at work, because I have NO work pants that fit. 

Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: Love it
Best moment this week: No nausea from Wednesday on! WHAT!?
Miss Anything? Nope, I'm really starting to enjoy this whole being pregnant thing...

Movement: I don't ever know. I wonder if I will when it really is movement?
Food cravings: Pizza, In-A-Tub, Chipotle guacamole, but who doesn't love that stuff? I still couldn't stand to look at the meat though....I have been eating tons and tons of apples.  I ate a whole little tote bag they sell at Hy-Vee in 1.5 weeks. That's like 12 apples or something! Yogurt, CHOCOLATE MILK! My biggest all time craving! Every night before bed.
Anything making you queasy or sick: meat is really the only thing.  I can't even do chicken or anything. But somehow In-A-Tub meat does not gross me out. Applebee's is a big turn off now too.  Not sure why? The oriental chicken salad used to be my favorite.  Nevermore! The chicken is so gross looking. The smell of onions will do it now too.
Gender: Who ever knows? 5 more weeks!
Labor Signs: Hell to the no

Symptoms: NO NAUSEA! YEAH! Still slightly tired although I'm gaining energy.  We got KU tix for Chistmas from my dad.  It's a late game in Lawrence at 8:30.  I had to back out.  By the time it starts it's almost my bed time..... ha
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY! I'm in such a great mood!
Looking forward to: Seeing Baby B again for sure.  Our next Dr. appt.  Hearing heartbeat again, just everything. 

In other news:

So I am finally feeling the 2nd trimester love from Baby Bozarth, I thought this day would never come! I have not been nauseous now for 3 whole days!! I have taken no medicine and I feel like such a champ!

On Friday,  I was going through all my phone pics from way back.  Let me just say, Mike would be so embarrassed if he knew this was on here, but frankly, I don't care.  He's a wonderful husband and should be so proud of it.

I know a lot of girls claim that their husband is the best and all of this, but mine really is. Not that it's a competition or anything.  He just always seems to know the right thing to say to make me smile and by the way gives great advice.  In my opinion, we have an awesome strong bond & I thank God every day for my rock.

Enough with the sap. Right? Seriously though, he's pretty awesome!

Anyhow, I came across this text message from November 8.  This would have been a little over a week after we found out that there was a little human growing inside of me.  I believe I was still in shock and slightly emotional. They joys of pregnancy hormones. But ya know those days where you just need something sweet said to you? This was quite obviously one of them....I was at work and really missing my husband.

See what I mean....?
 This one is from the other night. We were going to dinner and we - since I have been pregnant - have been craving the same things.  What sounds good to me will always sound good to him. That, or he's just being sweet. He's been having those "sympathy cravings" and I think it really exists because "What to Expect When Expecting" talks about it...or maybe that's sympathy pains. Oh well!

So those are some sweet little texts from our lives.

In other news, my BFF in Lincoln, NE Amanda, (who by the way, I want to steal her son and make him my own he so stinkin' cute!) texted me about a little something I should be expecting in the mail.  Can I just say, she is one of the most thoughtful people.  For every occasion, she sends a card and is genuinely happy for you whatever the reason may be!

So I made Mike go out and check the mail on Thursday night at about 10pm.  Ya know because who really checks their mail anymore? Not us, but maybe twice a week. It's just so boring. Until you get a gift from a great friend!! She sent me a book she said she read and laughed about before and after little Gavin was born.

I just started reading this weekend and it seems to have a lot of real info in it. Like what you really need, not all the stuff people say you will need. The first story was one of the writer's friends, they went completely overboard and registered for/bought everything that everyone said they needed.  They could barely move around in their own home. They had a bassinet, a side bed sleeper thing and a crib, the pediatrician made a point to say, you DON'T need all of this.  We're planning on starting Baby B out in the crib, because that's where we want her/him to eventually be which was exactly the advice from the book.  Why tease them from the beginning by having them sleep in our room? We decided to way minimize our registry when the time comes to really start thinking about all of the baby stuff, because it can add up to clutter QUICK! I have actually already started a couple of registries online for some things we already know we want.  Mainly to have a master list of things we will eventually need. One thing that we love and will be of much use is the stroller that we registered for.  It's a classic black, which can be used for baby# 1 & #2 and possibly #3. We aren't going to clutter things up by getting a pink one, then a blue one, then maybe a purple one depending on the sex of the baby.  I like to keep it simple.  We want a nice, high quality stroller that can be used through all the Bozarth kids regardless of sex.

Here's the book if at all interested........................ =)

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