Monday, June 4, 2012

{new baby, new closet}

So Baby B's grandma and grandpa really surprised us one day and completely redid the lame closet that was in his room.  I literally sat down in front of it one day wondering how the heck I would make it all work.  Mike and I have separate closets, both of which are big enough for both of our clothes, but this closet! It was bad! To say the least.  Unfortunately I did not take a before picture because we did not have much warning! Just came home one day and "Surprise new closet!" I am so excited about it.  Mike thinks we should paint it, but I just can't put the effort into something that will be mostly hidden.  I'm ok with the white walls and the organization =)

Anyway, this is the closest before picture I could find.  It was literally one bar and a shelf. That's it.  I think that would probably only fit 1/8 of his total clothes. yikes! As you can see it was hardly functional.

Fast forward a couple of weeks.  Now mind you there is a lot more storage in here than we are using right now.  I know we will eventually use all of it and he gets bigger and accumulates more stuff.  The toys are all down in the basement for now, but I'm just sure that at some point we will have a basket on the floor of the closet with more toys.  

Here's the closet for now.  We have a great foundation to work with and now I feel as though we have more than enough room for everything! As for where the swaddling and recieving blankets and burp clothes are, they are in the changing table that is not really a changing table as well as a basket with newborn diapers, wipes, peepee teepees.  In one of the the drawers we have Sofie the Giraffe, pacis and things of that nature. Ahh I love being organized!!

Curious Calvin

Still using this for onesies, socks, mittens and hats

Organized by size

0-3 months hanging on the bottom rack on my fav velvet hangers in baby blue! 

In the bottom basket: anything 12 months - 18 months.
In the top basket: anything over 18 months.
All folded.  For now. 

OMG shoes. 

Left side of closet, these are 0-3 months. Items that are not onesies. 

A few books

Top rack: These items are 3-12 months.  Items that are not onesies, I just hung the nicest items up here for that size group.  It's mainly overalls and sweet little Gap outfits, Polo jacket, nice sweaters and things like that that couldn't fit in the door organizer.. 

Photography props =) I'm sure this will hold something else in the future, but for now these hats are too dang cute not to display.  Also, we could add another shelf down below this one if we wanted to. 

A large amount of diapers from the diaper cakes (2) that were at my 1st shower.  This isn't even all of them!

Looking in

There is a shelf at the very top too for even more storage! We are not currently using this, but I'm sure we will!

Another shot 0-3 months

This is not in his closet, but look at all the stuffed animals and rattles and things L has!! Lucky kid.  PS Can you tell we LOVE elephants??


  1. Looks great! I love the different baskets! Could you tell me where you got the door organizer? I'm thinking that would be perfect for our cloth diapers.

    Thanks! Found you on HOH

  2. Thanks! I picked the door organizer up at Bed, Bath & Beyond. I think it was $20 or something.

  3. Thanks! I pinned it, I hope you don't mind.

  4. where did you get the racks at & how much were they?? & since its YEARS later i'm have they worked out for you??

  5. Very good organization, as it is very difficult to find in the stores
    Baby Hangers suitable for this type of clothing
