Friday, August 3, 2012

{Week four}

Some Images from week 4 with my babe! I found out this week I can take more time off from work which is very exciting!! But will make it even harder to go back :S

We have been going on walks {when it's not deathly hot}! We always go at night once daddy get home and the sun is down- PS Love my baby wrap from my friend Amanda & Landon does too - he is lights out every time I put him in it.

I got a start on our hallway gallery wall.  The walls are taped and the photos in their frames :) Proud of myself! All that's needed is some paint....we'll see when i get around to that!

We are in the process of sending out Mr. Man's Birth Announcements to our friends and family.  I personally did every single address in this font that I love!! It was used a lot on my weekly pregnancy chalkboard.  Glad to get those out they are so stinkin' cute!!

Completed while watching the Olympics, obviously. I'm so glad they are on now, so I'm not stuck watching boring soap operas.  

Some blanket laying - I must say that is one handsome baby

Calvin loves his brother!
Another example.....

Edited - but his eyes are really bright blue, I hope he gets his daddy's eyes! Love my little man & capturing these precious moments because they are only this little for so long! 
We also got our professional pics back this week - they are adorable! Here are some of our favorites.  We bought the whole CD of images so we could print them out forever!

And we are off to the Lake of the Ozarks for some R&R.  Mama finally gets to go to the pool,  it's just way too hot out there for babies so I haven't had a chance!!  My mom doesn't like the pool so she's the perfect babysitter ;) Will update with some pics from the weekend!! I'm excited to get away!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you like the wrap! Wraps are my fave. Landon's eyes are gorgeous, you make me want to splurge and get a camera!!!
